First it was a bacterial infection, then fungal, then allergies. We battled flaky, gross skin and hot spots even with a specialized diet and products.

Name : Neko
Breed: German Shepherd mix
General Location : West Virginia/Ontario
Age at diagnosis: 5 years
Symptoms showing when diagnosis was made : Extreme loss of hair. Since I adopted Neko, his skin and coat has always had issues. First it was a bacterial infection, then fungal, then allergies.
We battled flaky, gross skin and hot spots even with a specialized diet and products.
At the time I was a poor college student and couldn't afford all the testing so I treated the symptoms the best I could.
When I started working for a vet, he said something wasn't right and that Neko could potentially be hypothyroid but we needed to treat what was on the surface before we pushed on.
We did that and I came home from work one day to absolutely no hair on his rear and tail. Sure enough, his values were way below normal and we started him on thyroid medication twice a day.
Positive changes since being on thyroid meds : Coat and overall health. His weight would fluctuate from obese to underweight. Energy level has increased tenfold (though he sees a chiro more than I do nowadays). Neko's almost 11 but acts like hes 2!
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Karen Grzenda
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